Recent polymer pendant I made. |
Between holidays, giveaways, and sales... challenges and blog hops... special events (mine and others)..., it seems like FOREVER since I've just written a blog entry about jewelry-making, pure and simple. Well, I have so many blog topics to catch up on, it may take me a while, but today, I thought I'd bring you up-to-date on what I've been doing with POLYMER CLAY.
Yes, I know, METALS were my thing! And yes, they still are! But I started experimenting with polymer, not really expecting to like it much. (It's like PLASTIC, for heaven's sake, and that still bugs me!) But I confess, I'm rather hooked!
It all started when I read on Facebook about people making some wonderful looking beads and indicating they had used a tutorial by Ginger Davis Allman of "The Blue Bottle Tree" on Etsy.
For some reason, I never thought I liked polymer clay beads until I saw these. These looked like pottery to me. They were "my style!" And I loved them! So I bought the tutorial and gave it a try.
A bead from the first batch. |
Like everything I do though, I want to skip from beginner to expert mode in a flash and skip all the stuff that comes in-between. Instead, it seems like a long, hard road, with plenty of "flops." Isn't that just the way with learning any new skill or art though?
Sometimes, I can't decide if the pieces are really flops or just not my style. I may like the colors, but not the shapes. Or the shapes, but not the color.
These are some of the first pendants I made. I find them terribly "wonky" and I'll say so right out. One brave soul suggested I might try making these a bit thinner, and that made a world of difference. Thanks for that tip! My thicknesses were not all all even either, and I'm learning to regulate the thickness of the clay a little better since I started, but still struggle.
I used to have a terrible time trying to move the piece from my work surface to my baking surface, and finally read that the way around that was to put a bit of parchment paper down when preparing the bead, then transfer the bead, paper and all, to the baking pan. (That was a "palm on forehead" moment!)
My fun with polymer coincided nicely with the holidays! I started making "sugar cookie" ornaments...
There are more! Check them out!
I started a "Polymer Clay Beads" section for beads and pendants. Some were holiday-themed. Others not.
Now that I'm hooked, I'm reading books and finding inspiration for polymer clay everywhere! There are so many wonderful artists among us using this medium, and I just never noticed what they were using! I'm in awe of them!
I'm trying a few slightly more advanced techniques, blending clay colors, making designs in the clay before baking, adding texture, expanding color options. I'm starting to like what I see a bit more, but know I have so far to travel yet!
My most recent concept is to combine my metal work and polymer clay. This purple was one of my first two pieces.
Once I knew it would work, I tried more!
Well, as you can imagine,
several months and many pieces later,
I've collected so many beads and ornaments,
my store is full to the brim!
What a good time to have...
Use coupon code SUPERPOLY to get 40% OFF in these sections:
These will appear at regular price with a "COUPON" flag in the bottom right corner of the item photo. The discount will appear at checkout when you enter the coupon code.
Please Note: Reduction on polymer ornaments in the "HOLIDAY" section have already been taken. The price you see is the 40% off sale price. No code needed. They will have a "SALE" flag in the bottom right corner of the item photo.
Thanks for taking a look!
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Wonder where I'll head next?!
--Do YOU work with polymer clay? --Would you like to? Leave us a comment! --Link us to a photo of your work...or your store! --If you have helpful suggestions or comments, please leave those too!
--If not, tell us what you ARE exploring these days! We'd love to hear that also!
Thanks and Happy Holidays!
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