Thanks to Kathy, Tanya, Lea, Shaiha, Dolores, Eugenie, Mischelle, Creative Klutz, Mary Anne, and Lisa! I appreciate you spreading the word about our Back-to-School Give-aways and Sale! We've already made a couple new friends on Facebook, gained a couple followers here on the blog, and sold several items. My sincere thanks you to all! I found myself joining blogs, making new friends, and discovering new shops too!
The first prize in our "Back-to-School" Event is a $20 gift certificate to "Sharyl's Jewelry." And the winner is:
-- Creative Klutz! --
(Please contact me with email address! Thanks!)

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The next event involves sharing the following:
1) Which are you most likely to buy?
a) Jewelry
b) Items to make jewelry
2) Which would you prefer to win?
a) Jewelry
b) Items to make jewelry
There will be a drawing from those who respond to both questions in their comment. (Anyone who wishes to comment but be excluded from the drawing, please say so.) Please watch for the winner announcement so you can declare your prize within 48 hours.
- The prize will be based on the winner's preferences this time, (approximate value $15).
- You have until Thursday, Aug. 15, 11:30pm Central time to enter.
- The winner will be announced Friday.
* * * * * * *
Back-to-School Sale reminder!
Right now, everyone wins
with a 20% off sale at
Use code: SCHOOL20
at check-out, now through Aug. 19!
* * * * * * *
My answer to both questions is: Items to make jewelry! (Don't enter me in the drawing) ;-)
Thanks, Lisa! (You are the most winning person I've ever met! ha! You are very kind to sit one out every now and then, but feel free to join us again soon!)
Wow - I won ... this is my first ever giveaway win - thanks so much =)
I'd also have to say stuff to make jewellery (although your finished pieces are amazing too) ... and I'll bow out on this one as well since I won the last one ;)
Afar items to make jewelry is my answer to both!,
Congrats Creative Klutz! My answer to both is also the components to make jewelry, though in your case, I'd be thrilled with either. Love your work!
I think all those who create their own jewelry would 'prefer' to win items to create with. I know I do :) It's how my artbead collection got started, after all ;) And how I no doubt helped to start someone elses art bead collection :)
Plus, this give the added bonus of the 'advertising' you'll receive when your items are used and the finished jewerly shown off! :D
Personally, yes I'd prefer items to create with, too ;)
Congrats, Creative Klutz! I sent your gift certificate to your email earlier this evening! Hope you enjoy shopping!
Thanks to all for your answers! I think I see a trend forming! We'll see if it continues as more replies come in. (It feels a bit like early election returns! ha!) I'll share my own preferences when this give-away ends!
I'm more likely to buy items to make jewelry but I like to win both jewelry or items.
I would most likely buy items to make jewelry, and I would be overjoyed to win items to make jewelry! Glad to post this to my Facebook too! Love the pieces I see here.
My answer to both questions is B
I've just gotten back into my hobby of jewelry making and need to restock my supplies :)
I prefer items to make jewelry with! Although, love all the items in your shop. Beautiful work! :)
Well, Sharyl, my answer is 1. Mostly likely to buy "things to make jewelry" and 2. I would wish to win "jewelry"! I haven't purchased a single piece of jewelry since I started making jewelry. I also haven't made anything for myself! Everything I purchase is components, so I think just this once, since I love your jewelry, I'd like to win jewelry. Thanks for including me in the giveaway!! :)
Congratulations to Creative Klutz. And thanks, Sharyl, for all the giveaways.
To answer your questions, I buy both, though typically buy components more. If something catches my eye, though, I will snap it up. :) There are always pieces that I could never have thought to make and I do like supporting my favorite designers.
As for winning, I enjoy both as well, although I do like getting components I might not have bought on my own.
Congratulations Creative Klutz! In answer to the 2 questions, I would say Items to Make Jewelry for both! One can never have to many of these! Thank you for the amazing giveaway and pretty please count me in!
Angi Mullis
Wow! Look at all these comments coming in! Thank you for commenting and for those who have been spreading the word of our week-long sale and give-away!
We got a little more variation of opinion in today's submissions! There are no wrong answers though, only right ones--YOUR person preferences! This gives me some direction for future give-aways! Many thanks to you all!
My favorite item to buy is something to make jewelry. Like someone else, I don't ever purchase jewelry for myself anymore, so I think that would be my favorite item to win--although I would love to win something to make jewelry with too!! Gina H.
1) I am most likely to buy items to make jewelry. I enjoy designing jewelry for myself as well as others and feel a sense of accomplishment and pride when doing so.
2) I prefer to win items with which to make jewelry because I can challenge myself to incorporate the items to make a good looking piece of jewelry.
Thank you all so much! I certainly enjoyed all your answers!
The entries are now closed for this give-away. People are still welcome to leave responses though.
I'll announce the winner Friday, and yet another Back-to-school give-away! Tell your friends! ~Sharyl
I love the items I bought from your shop! really pretty, feminine components!! I would always love more to play with :)
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