Samhain, Day of the Dead, the eve of All-Saint's, Halloween...
Call it what you will, the night of October 31st-November 1st has always been one of my favorite (and most celebrated) holidays. It's a wonder, because I've never been one for scary things. However, I have wonderful memories of favorite childhood costumes (homemade of course), my teen years playing tricks on the trick-or-treaters with my Dad, giving parties for my staff as an adult, and celebrating the holiday as a mother of a young son. All of that is past, and I cherish the event even now.
And on October 31, there was Samhain...
Whatever/however you choose to celebrate,
stay safe,
be well,
may peace be within you.
For more information:
Santino, Jack. Library of Congress, The American Folklife Center. "Halloween: The Fantasy and Folklore of All Hallows."
oh love how your displayed the pieces the second piece....enjoy your day
Happy Halloween!
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